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"The World is Full of Academics" by Matthew Freeman

Oh, I tried to tell it slant

but I guess I didn't

tell it slant enough. Like

any of the old fuckers

I thought I was slippery and

ambiguous and ambivalent. Like,

when I truly loved someone

you couldn't tell if I loved them or not.

And when I was a kid and I rode my bike

past Emily's house and-- what-- dreamed

she'd look out of her window or something,

my prepared statement was

that I was going to the In and Out

to buy some bubble gum.

Has this son of a bitch

ever hooked up with anyone ever?

When I went back to school

I had to trudge through

three feet of snow on top of a

dicey freeze ten blocks from the bus

to Cafe Ventana

where the barista and I

always talked straight and without affect

and then my aspect was impassive

as I raised my hand in class

without cease to ask outrageous

and what I thought were brilliant questions

but none of it profited at all because

the damn cabal refused to let me in

because of all my past sins

against the academy.


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