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"Too Little Too Late" by Sebastian Vice

With everyone so busy

Eaten up by nothings

I wish we’d take more time

For one another

With everyone so busy

Wearing masks

I wished we could remove the pretense

And just be our naked selves

With everyone so busy

Confusing masks for people

Bamboozled by nonsense

Is it any wonder

We feel so alone and alienated?

With everyone so busy

Can’t we just laugh at our own cosmic absurdity?

And realize

We’re all on a collective road

To nowhere

Sebastian Vice is the Founder of Outcast Press devoted to transgressive fiction and dirty realism. He has short fiction and poetry published in Punk Noir Magazine, A Thin Slice of Anxiety, Outcast Press, Terror House Magazine, Bristol Noir, and Misery Tourism. He contributed a chapter to Red Sun Magazine's forthcoming book The Hell Bound Kids (May 1st, 2022) and writes a regular column called "Notes of A Degenerate Dreamer" over at A Thin Slice of Anxiety. His flash piece "One Last Good Day" was nominated for Best of The Net 2021. His forthcoming poetry book Homo Mortalis: Meditations on Memento Mori will drop April 4th, 2022 through Anxiety Press.


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