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"Untitled" by Scott Cumming

They cannot reach every corner

Nor will they try

There is no single-minded hero

To figure the whole thing out

It’s feet to the fire

My core is lava

Mindlessly stepping through a minefield

In the snow

Living or dying equates to the same

A headline buried beneath crumbs and spilt milk

Beneath hopeless counting stats

And self-congratulatory pats on the back

Beneath fingers pointed seeking someone to blame

Beneath billions thrown around like pocket money

As yesterday’s news is burnt for a modicum of warmth

Beneath the AKs used for extreme show and tell

Beneath the grandstanding over crimes and corruptions

Flaunted like nudity behind frosted glass

To disappear should mean more

Than being a simple piece of local intrigue

To be discussed at the coffee machine

Prior to dissecting the latest sports scores

It is too much to ask for anyone’s sorrow or anger

At the way in which my blood will be drained

It’s too much to see through the deluge

And ask those circling their own drains

To come to my aid

Nobody’s looking

Not really

There are those who are worried sick

And those who’ve given in and grieve already

Others cluelessly cavort

Unlikely to find even a light switch

In the dark

The tears will dry out

The shock numb down

Sirens whizz by to save other lives

Chalk one up for the win column

Tell ourselves we’re doing something right

I perch in the dirt waiting to find out

If this dude’s a sadist or a masochist.


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