命運 (mìngyùn) — the chinese translation of the english word “fate”
The moon melted in my arms
so I took her place in the sky.
And soon my essence transformed,
an exhausted subsidiary swelling
within my breasts,
perpetually bound in service
to the vast explorers of the earth.
Oh, how my lusting eyes watch
as his warm body, replete
with the fragrance of promise
and prospect,
wanders under my cool brilliance
while I sit there, still,
languishing in my lithic divots,
where my pools of tears
lay to slumber.
My pools will remain full
and my presence ceaseless
and my radiance abetting,
frozen in the realm of time
among the callous landscape of the night
while the zealous wanderer runs free,
painted, under the nurture
of the maternal moon.