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May 15, 20222 min read
"I wake up tired and sore", "By Candlelight" & "Rabbit" by Jason Melvin
I wake up tired and sore and often soaked in sweat I don’t remember being awake or any dreams I may have had but I’m usually more tired...
May 15, 20221 min read
"Wish I Were Here" by Penny Sarmada
I must have that kind of face: everywhere I go people always stop me for directions I tell tourists how to get to Kensington Market for...
May 15, 20222 min read
"nobody ever got slapped over my alopecia", "next time i will just let it fly" J. Archer Avary
nobody ever got slapped over my alopecia punked on april fools day caught up in the monkeyshines of my aspirational barber joelinton’s...
May 15, 20222 min read
"Broken Toys", "Way We've Always Been" Scott Cumming
Broken Toys I blamed myself for every broken toy Back when I was a kid And now I find out how fucked up that was How a brain skewers a...
May 15, 20221 min read
"Small Black Rose" by David Hay
The beauty of your peace, makes the boarders of the horizon recede into nothingness, and the mind crippled by its own weight is released...
May 15, 20221 min read
"Thunder Sound" & "Crab Shell" by Sarah M. Lillard
Thunder Sound I grew up with thunder, lightning, with klaxon warnings to take shelter. Reaping whirlwinds for sowing heat, humidity,...
May 15, 20222 min read
"Taking, Care" & "Sip-soaked" by K Weber
Taking, Care I was in the squares of Savannah, moon eyed and just-wed, honey-sunned, while relatives plucked my grandmother’s best things...
May 15, 20221 min read
"Reminiscence is a necessary evil" & "For the love basking folks" by Ankur Jyoti Saikia
Reminiscence is a necessary evil And the melody of love lingers Alas, we're now only strangers Oh, but that beautiful flower Bloomed only...
May 15, 20223 min read
"The answer in an envelope", "Painted by numbers", & "Craven Man" by Simon Leonard
The answer in an envelope It lies on the table, lips pursed like a religious aunt in possession of the truth and the certainty that only...
May 15, 20221 min read
"A man once told me that I would be single forever" Megan Cassiday
A man once told me that I would be single forever if I used ‘big words’ while talking to people When I unhinged my jaw to swallow him...
May 15, 20221 min read
"Too Little Too Late" by Sebastian Vice
With everyone so busy Eaten up by nothings I wish we’d take more time For one another With everyone so busy Wearing masks I wished we...
May 15, 20221 min read
"Find Someone Who Looks at You the Way My Crush Looks at Her Husband" by James Roach
A photograph taken in Vegas, his head tilts right to meet yours, you melt into him. Leather jacket, wedding cake smiles, your adoring,...
May 15, 20221 min read
"My oldest friend ghosts me (again)" by Hadley Dion
How does being absent only make your presence more imposing? I remind myself of your boyish frame, the way your shoulder is level with...
May 15, 20221 min read
"Untitled II" & "Untitled III" by Dave Serrette
Untitled II The skin across my face Is hot and dry and drawn The hairs of my beard Itch in singularity And I just can't Stop Scratching...
May 1, 20221 min read
"Hand Placement Does Not Change" by Colin James
Mother takes her bath at nine and is benevolent enough to allow me to reuse her bathwater. I sat there for a long time just staring....
May 1, 20221 min read
"The Fire Trilogy" by Robert Allen
Mendocino County #1 Some regions like bodies have pain. You know it in the way the air smells, the way the trees burn, the way the water...
May 1, 20222 min read
"18 11 18 11", "Nobody takes the stairs anymore", & "Guilty pleasure" by Carol D'Souza
18 11 18 11 1 A random dude with an inner calm that did not reflect in outer moves In the first instance, bad news A mirror-walled room...
May 1, 20221 min read
"Merlot with the Moon" & "Happy Hour" by Karen Pierce Gonzalez
Merlot with the Moon I row my paddle boat midway across the olive-green lagoon, and stare at the stitched quilt of night. Patchwork...
May 1, 20222 min read
"Every Civilization Speaks the Language of Goodbyes", "Radio Silence" Lisa Lerma Weber
Every Civilization Speaks the Language of Goodbyes How many ancient civilizations have mysteriously disappeared, leaving behind nothing...
May 1, 20222 min read
"Steam" & "Eyebright" by D. Parker
Steam Belly bloated with mint leaves. Brew for a minute or two. She sets two slipware beakers on the counter. The blue ones with navy...
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